Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lost in Space

Sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with Nashville.  My "hate" is usually in the form of me being lost or something to do with the (lack of) driving skills of Tennessee drivers.

I seem to sometimes forget that I don't 100% know my way around here. I guess it's a result of living in the same city for practically my entire life.  I never had the problem of walking out the door and not knowing where to go.  I basically knew how to get everywhere in Richmond.  And the places I didn't know, I could figure out.  [Note to self: Always double check where I'm going before I leave the house.]

In the last 5 days, I have been lost in East Nashville 3 times.  I've basically wasted a whole tank of gas being lost in East Nashville.  Making the same wrong turns each time.  I LOVE East Nashville (think Carytown meets The Fan meets Church Hill - Cute old houses, awesome restaurants, a little sketchy)  It's awesome.  I just need to flipping figure out how to get there and how to get around there.

Last night I FINALLY went to dinner at Rose Pepper, a Mexican restaurant in East Nashville that EVERYONE had been to except for me.  The first thing out of everyone's mouth when I told them I was going here was, "You have to get a margarita."  First of all, I drink margaritas for a living, so uh yeah, I'm going to order a margarita regardless.  But yes, they're amaaaaaazing here.  ah-ma-zing.  Second thing out of everyone's mouth is "You have to get the queso."  You must not know me.  Queso and I are besties.  But there is some sort of crack they must put in it at Rose Pepper.  Delish!
Allison & Draper outside of Rose Pepper in East Nashy

We followed dinner with drinks at a new'ish bar called 308.  You'd probably drive by and never stop in, but it's a cool bar with fancy drinks.  Definitely will go again.

& no Friday night is complete without stopping in mid-town.  Sometimes it's SO FUN living in a "College town."  Except for when I find myself standing in line to get in a bar called "Losers."  That's when it's time for this granny to go home.
Sometimes I pretend I'm in college again. Thanks, Vandy!
Nashville, I really do love you.

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