Monday, October 3, 2011

Celebrity Sightings: RIC > DET > BNA

Being someone who follows celebrity gossip faithfully, I never seem to "run into" celebrities (except for that one fateful day last May in NYC when I ran into SJP and I'll never forget it as long as I live)  Leave it to me to have a celebrity on BOTH of my flights back to Nashville this weekend!

Celebrity Sighting #1: RIC > DET, Timothy Busfield
Who? Umm that guy from Field of Dreams obviously.  He was one of the last people on the plane and sat down right across the aisle from me.  In pretty close quarters, I stared when I heard his voice knowing it was familiar.  Then my face turned red and looked back at my book realizing he's not that big of a deal.  But still, pretty interesting.

Celebrity Sighting #2: DET > BNA, Lauren Alaina
Yep. The runner up from American Idol.  THAT Lauren Alaina.  The second I saw her, I knew it was her, even though she's not quite famous yet.  Unprepared for what to do, I immediately texted my American Idol dealer, Courtney.  It went something like this:
Me: Lauren Alaina is sitting across from me!!!!!!
AID: Whaaaat? Where? Why? How?
Me: Flying through Detroit to Nashville. I'd feel like an idiot if I say "I know you" though.  That's embarrassing, right?
AID: You should say, "Just so you know, I hate Scotty. You should have won."

At this point in the texting back & forth, I'm pretty sure her mom and manager both realized I was texting about her and all proceeded to get up and go wait for the flight across the terminal.  But alas, as we were boarding I was presented with another opportunity to celebrity stalk.  Lauren seemed to have lost her boarding pass and was having a pretty major freak out attack over it.  I stood around and watched it all happen, missing my zone boarding completely, which forced me to have to check my bag.  When you're in Zone 2 and board during Zone 4, apparently there might not be space left for your bag.  Rats!

Lessons learned: Pull myself together.  I mean, what if that had been Taylor Swift or George Strait?  Do I plan on just watching celebrities when I run into them or take this to the next level and request them to be friends on facebook? Pretty sure I need to lock it up before I run into a REAL celeb and need to put my Celebrity Friend Plan into action.

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